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The secret to REAL results!
The key to ending the yo-yo diet and exercise cycle and achieving long term, sustainable results is finding a process (creating the daily...
Thank you again for the overwhelming love and support over the past week. After opening up about the struggles that we’ve encountered in...
Food Fears
Bread, pasta, bananas, rice… these are a few of the most common foods that the SnS Squad admitted to fearing. Diet culture thrives off...
Breaking through Body Weight Goals
Your “ideal body weight” isn’t the weight that you achieved when you were doing fasted cardio at the crack of dawn, drinking coffee to...
3 years ago my health were taken out of my control. I had an emergency c-section surgery to remove cysts that were over 12cm (your...
Self Care
When it comes to fuelling your body’s true energy requirements, “listening to your hunger cues” isn’t always the best answer. Similarly...
Learn, don't follow
I do not provide meal plans or shopping lists to my clients. My goal is to TEACH you how to eat for your unique body, lifestyle, activity...
Improve Gut Integrity
Food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances can develop later often due to a weakening of the intestinal lining that leads to an...
Mindful Eating Practices
Do you experience random bloating, constipation, gas, etc... with no rhyme or reason? Gut health is a PASSION of mine as I suffered from...
Asha started the SnS method over a year ago with the goals of optimizing her health after engaging in restrictive diet and exercise...
Coffee... how much is too much?
Managing our blood sugar by decreasing the triggers that push it out of balance is one of the simplest ways to optimize health
Working from home
While social distancing may have disrupted your daily routine, now is NOT the time to quit on your health and fitness goals. Focusing on...
30 Day Challenge
This Monday will kick off our 30 Day Challenge with a pre-fitness test WOD! You will receive a score card to keep track of how many...
Let's Talk About ZZZZ's
So many people are looking for a quick fix - this is why diet supplements are a billion dollar industry. I’ve said it before and I’ll say...
Is your scale lying to you?
Scale weight is NOT the most accurate representation of progress when it comes to body composition, so stop hopping on this emotional...
How to Maintain Body Composition while Travelling Part 4/4
LESSON #4: HORMONES ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN THE BEST TRAINING & NUTRITION PROGRAM After years of being extremely compliant with my...
How to Maintain Body Composition while Travelling Part 3/4
LESSON #3: FIND A STYLE OF TRAINING THAT FEELS ENJOYABLE AND DO TAKE REST DAYS! My workout of choice is, of course, CrossFit! You all...
How to Maintain Body Composition while Travelling Part 2/4
How to Maintain Body Composition while Travelling Part 1/4
LESSON #1: SPEND TIME INCREASING YOUR CALORIC CONSUMPTION (AKA NOT DIETING) For 3 weeks, I didn’t log a single macro. I have been...
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