We believe that helping people reach their goals instils the confidence to lead the best possible version of their lives.
Sharan is so much more than a nutritionist to me... she’s been my full on counsellor this whole time as well!
- Lindsay Wand
"In working with Sharan I have learned that our bodies need so much more than just protein, carbs and fat but that we also need to pay as much attention to our mindset, our sleep, our recovery and the quality of food that we are eating. She is helping me answer questions about my body that I didn't have anyone to ask of before and guiding me to being more in tune with my body and how external factors impact me. I feel confident in the information and guidance that Sharan provides as she is very knowledgeable and has the long term focus to help me optimize my health and well being rather than the short term focus of just helping me lose a few pounds."
— Claudia Samayoa
"I came to Sharan feeling extremely defeated and sick. I have struggled for almost 15 years with eating disorders and had not met anyone who took complete recovery as seriously as Sharan did. Sharan took the time to really go above and beyond more then any other health professional has done for me through this journey. She really helped reiterate how important mental and emotional health is, how I need to ensure I eat enough to sustain my life style and she REALLY made sure that I took healing my hormones seriously. I have tried to get the help of other nutritionists and naturopathic doctors with no one taking me seriously. Sharan ensured this changed and spent an hour discussing my case on the phone with a Naturopathic doctor before recommending I go to him. I have never felt that someone has had my back more then Sharan. I can the results of my body healing and my life has been completely changed by the care and compassion Sharan has shown during this process. I could not be more grateful that Sharan came into my life. Working with her is the best decision I have made for my health."
— M
"When I first contacted Sharan, I had the goal of improved body composition and performance in the gym (get stronger and leaner), and was trying to do both at the same time. My progress had been slow up until that point, which is why I reached out to her. From the beginning, she was realistic with me, and made it clear that my goal of being stronger and leaner was a process, and results would take time. While this was frustrating to hear in the moment, I had seen the results other clients had, and decided to take a leap of faith. Reaching my performance and body composition goals did take nearly 6 months of dedication and commitment, but Sharan was supportive and practical throughout. She also helped me to start focussing more on food quality, and to develop a healthier mindset around the scale, eating out, and taking a break from macros every once in a while (which is tough for me as someone who is VERY comfortable with discipline and routine). I'm glad that I trusted the process, as I achieved my goals and some unexpected benefits along the way (mindset, renewed interest in cooking). Thanks Sharan!"
— Katie Greene
"Shortly after joining Semiahmoo Athletic Club in 2014, I began working with Sharan on my nutrition.
Having battled a long, depressing eating disorder in the years prior, though overcome, I still had not been able to develop a healthy relationship with food, myself or my own body image.
With Sharan’s guidance and support over the next few months, I was able to make some very positive revelations within myself and my relationship with food. She educated me so that I fully understood what the dietary restrictions had been doing to my body, hormones and mental health. Joining Semiahmoo Athletic Club, and working closely with Sharan helped move me to a place in my life I didn’t think I’d ever find again. Happiness, confidence and self love."
— Brooke Duncan
"With a history of disordered eating and following "fad" diets, I had decided to "give up" on changing my body and controlling food and just YOLO my life.
But...I couldn't ignore I was unhappy with my weightlifting performance and my body weight and although I am educated and motivated, I did not have the motivation or knowledge to do it on my own. My friends were getting great results from Sharan, so I thought I'd try.
I was very hesitant and resistant at first, and would question Sharan on everything, but she always took the time to explain her methods and I learned to trust her.
And then the results came. I now have a much better relationship and understanding of food which I consider an even greater benefit than the weight loss (15 lbs)."
-Maggie Johns
"1 year ago I started working with Sharan to repair my hormones after competing, and this journey changed my life!
Starting at 123 lbs
*Working out and doing cardio obsessively 6-7 days a week
*In a caloric deficit
*Felt like I was constantly depriving myself
*Continuously physically and mentally stressed
Now at 111 lbs
*Working out 5 days a week, no cardio and incorporating NEAT movement
*Not being in a caloric deficit and eating whole foods, cutting out sugar, dairy and gluten
*Having occasional treats and making better choices while eating out
*Focusing on mindset, nutrition timing, energy, digestion, satiety, sleep, recovery and stress management
Thank you Sharan for teaching me that your hormones are more powerful than any fitness or nutrition plan!"
-Asha Panchal
"I first contacted Sharan because I wanted to lose weight. I came across her Instagram feed and hoped that she would simply send over a quick fix with some macro calculations. That’s exactly what she did NOT do. She took the time to inquire about my life so that she could individualize a nutrition program just for me. No quick fixes, no one size fits all templates, but a program that was most beneficial to my mental, physical, and hormonal health. Sharan is meticulous, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. She advocates for the best version of ourselves to set us up for long term success."
-Elizabeth Lee
"WOW, where to even begin. I started working with Sharan in late August of 2017 and looking back, my progress still blows me away. As a competitive athlete, there's a lot to take into account to achieve optimal performance and what that looks like for YOU. Sharan not only helps teach you how to prep/plan/eat what's right for your body but also how lifestyle, stress management, sleep, and recovery are equal contributors to progress. I'm the lightest, leanest and strongest I've ever been. With goals to compete for the Canadian Weightlifting team, I couldn't be more honored to have her in my corner to help me get there."
-Thea Lund
"After 4 or 5 months of 5-6x a week of Crossfit, I wasn’t seeing the physical changes in my body that I wanted and my barbell numbers had been stagnant. And so, in September of 2016, I started searching for a dietary plan- my gym programming is fantastic, and so I knew that what was missing in the equation was diet. I picked Sharan for a few reasons; she was a female athlete who lifted weights, she had a loyal client base, and she looked fantastic while seeming to eat enjoyable foods.
It was one of the best decisions of my life to trust her- I’ve gone to Sharan for multiple resets and guidance throughout the past 6 months and as a result, I’ve never been happier or more proud of both body and performance. The process to get to where I am was not easy- I am sore everyday, I have little spontaneity when it comes to food consumption and I rarely drink. But everything was made significantly easier by working with Sharan in particular. As a Kinesiology major and a professional in the fitness retail industry, every single thing she said made complete sense to me.
Sharan is knowledgeable, nonjudgmental, quick to reply- pretty much the ideal sports nutritionist for anyone looking for results.
Multiple women have walked up to me over the past few months to ask what my secret was- why my muscles were starting to bulge out of my lulus, my weight plates were increasing, why I was losing fat so rapidly- and why I seemed happy during this whole process. The results of macros and cycling with Sharan speak for themselves- I weigh significantly less and can lift significantly more, and still have planned cheat meals for balance. My numbers at the gym skyrocketed when I started eating as advised- I couldn’t recommend working with Sharan enough!"
"Sharan is extremely knowledgable and patient. I have been dealing with some super frustrating hormonal issues to the point where medical professionals were telling me that my symptoms were in my head. Never once did Sharan question what I was experiencing and instead she researched and did courses on different options that could help. It was only through her that we have found answers to what has been going on. I believe I am finally on the mend thanks to Sharan’s continued support through nutrition and stress management!"
-Jy Stewart
"Working with Sharan has been nothing less than amazing. She is not the first nutritionist I have worked with and I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about food, however her coaching has completely blown up some pre conceived notions I have had and taught me more than I have ever known about hormones and metabolism . I did not realize the value of resting more during cuts and have always been scared to take it easier. I trusted her and have gone down from 142 lbs to 133 in 9 weeks. I feel absolutely amazing and she has helped me gauge my energy in order to determine my workout intensity during. Sharan does not give a cookie cutter template or tell you a set menu. She helps build lifelong habits and emphasizes the important of reflection, accountability and enjoyment throughout the process. Is it hard work that requires discipline and consistency? yes! but no one will ever say they regret feeling amazing inside and out."
-Shannon Burton
"If you are thinking about getting a nutritionist/coach I highly recommend Sharan. I started with her 6 months ago at 10 months postpartum with my second child ready to get back mentally and physically in shape. I love that she is not just giving out macros but stresses how important it is to focus on the types of food we eat and the affects they have on our body. She is a great teacher to her clients and I can’t wait to keep up the body composition and knowledge gains!"
-Lindsay Langston
"Sharan is a supportive, insightful, encouraging, patience nutritional expert. She lets me offload all the mental fatigue of worrying about what, when and how much I should be eating. Highly recommended. At this rate I'll probably be way more ripped than Joe soon."
“Since I began working with Sharan the strength and muscle growth I have gained are more than I would have thought possible. By increasing my daily food consumption (by a lot), as well as teaching me the importance of food quality and timing, sleep quality and stress management we have made some serious gains. I can’t wait to see what we accomplish this year!”
-Michelle Wand
"I struggled with my relationship to food because of a number of health reasons that led to extremely disordered eating and over-training. After reaching out to Sharan and getting the plan, I honestly wasn't sure I was mentally capable of changing the way I thought about food and exercise. I am SO glad that I trusted Sharan's expertise about food intake/quality, digestion, the importance of rest days, hormone protocol, everything! She is encouraging, understanding and straight up knows everything about this field. Having done on and off programming with her over the past year, I found that the tools Sharan offers really do allow me to stay on track with nutrition and holding myself accountable, both when on the weekly check-ins and on my own. I've not only been able to heal my relationship with food and my body, but also I'm lifting heavier than ever and can actually see muscle definition. My mindset has totally shifted to viewing food as fuel and getting excited about building strength rather than being so obsessed with the scale. Can't recommend her coaching enough!"
-Kristi Carey
"I’m so thankful that Sharan was able to take me on as a client. Sharan designed a nutrition plan for me which had me eating more calories by eating the right kind of food for my body. Since working with her I have lost weight, I am feeling more energy, and I am sleeping better. My body thrives on the nutrition plan that Sharan has structured for me. I have also had a big mental shift. I have learned that even if I over eat one day, I should follow the plan the next day and not eat fewer calories or do an extra workout. I am so appreciative of her knowledge and thankful that she sees each person as an individual. Thank you Sharan for your support and kindness – you have changed my life!"
-Kathy Watson
"I’ve been working with Sharan for 10 months. My story started 2 years ago when I decided I want to lose a bit of weight to get “shredded” for summer. I started working out hard going running, doing Crossfit and weightlifting and started eating very healthy and limiting my consumption. Fast forward 8 months and I had lost 80lbs leaving me at 100lbs at the height of 5’11”. I was skin and bone. Eventually I started eating more again but ended up binging out from being so restrictive. I gained all the weight back by spring 2018 and knew I needed help to find a balance, that’s when I turned to Sharan and her expertise. Long story short, Sharan slowly increased my macros to fix/ increase my metabolism and ensure I was fuelled for my workouts. Sharan is so much more than a nutritionist to me she’s been my full on counsellor the whole time as well. Teaching me how to love myself and fix my relationship with food ensuring I eat healthy most of the time but can also enjoy a meal out sometimes as well. My body is completely different now, I feel amazing and have lost fat and gained so much muscle. I’ve prd every lift by 30-70 pounds! Sharan knows exactly what she’s doing and can fix any problem you have, literally. I’m now eating 3,000 calories a day and 300g of carbs as opposed to 1200 cals and 70g of carbs before I met her. But mostly I’ve gone from unhappy and dull to the lively, loving, happy person I used to be."
-Lindsay Wand
"I’ve worked with Sharan to get back in shape after not 1 but 2 babies. After the first I was stronger and leaner than I had ever been! Baby number 2 is still a work in progress, but that’s what’s so great about Sharan, she lets you know it’s a process!! Working with Sharan is amazing, it’s not a one time macro plan, it’s full nutrition and lifestyle coaching!"
-Joanna Sugawara
" have loved my time working with Sharan! It has only been two months but I have noticed huge improvements. Since changing my eating habits with Sharan's guidance I have noticed that I sleep better, my mood is up, I have felt really strong in the gym (have been able to hit PR's), and most importantly my mindset when it comes to eating out and food in general has changed. I have a history of binge eating and with practice, Sharan's easy to follow method and her supportive coaching I have been able to work on and improve my self control and intuitive eating skills with success! I don't feel as stressed in social situations with food involved and It has allowed me to feel calm and happy when I'm out with family and friends. I have also noticed that I have more energy during workouts and recover better/faster since I've starting timing my meals around my training sessions. I am personally going to keep working with Sharan because I value her knowledge, her genuine care for her clients success, and I love how I feel since I have started her program. I highly recommend her as a Nutrition Coach!"
-Kate Balen
"I have been working with sharan for 7 months now, and in these past 7 months I have learnt a lot not only about my self as a person but about my body and how amazing it is! We have been working on re building my hormones and during this time there have been ups and downs but Sharan is always there to support me. She is an amazing coach, amazing women and an amazing friend. I highly recommend working with her wether it be for weight loss, athletic performance or hormone health. I can’t thank her enough for all of the support and endless work she puts into my program each week!"
-Hailee Down
"As a person who has seriously training in multiple channels of fitness for 8+ years, I have always wanted to dial in my nutrition and understand how food, nutrient timing would affect my overall performance and energy levels. I always felt overwhelmed by the idea, and untrusting of what I would find online. After watching Sharan's explanations of her approach and results, I decided to make the choice to work with her. Her process is well thought out, researched, tested and most importantly customized to your goals to achieve results. I have nothing but amazing things to say about my experience with her, and would highly recommend her to anyone."
-Jenna Bayuk
“5 month ago I was obesely overweight (322.5lbs), I was fighting a deep depression as well as severe anxiety. Needless to say, I was extremely unhappy with my health, and as a result, I was not being the best Dad I could be for my 4yr old daughter. The previous 4 years had been exceedingly challenging for me (divorce, multiple career changes), and I was looking down the barrel of the busiest and most stressful time of year at work. I knew if I didn’t do something immediately, my health I was going to spiral out of control. I had driven by Semiahmoo Athletic Club a few times and decided to reach out to Joe and Sharan and start to take control of my health, and as it would turn out, take control of my life again. The support and community that I have found at Semi is nothing short of life changing. From the coaches, to everyone in the classes, it has quickly become an essential part of my and my daughter’s life. Thanks to a outstanding and comprehensive nutrition program by Sharan, I’ve made great progress with getting my nutrition on track. Throughout this journey, I’ve lost just over 60 lbs., my confidence has dramatically improved, my anxiety is at an all time low, and I’m being a much more active, engaged and supportive father for my daughter. I’ve just completed my first mini season of competition and looking forward to the next ones! I’ve also met some truly great and amazing people in this community and every day I meet more. The support and encouragement they have provided is nothing short phenomenal!!”
-Roger Marshall
"I had a goal to reach for one of the most important days in my life, which was my wedding day. I gave myself 2 months or so to reach it. I had been working out consistently yet my diet was lacking which I knew I needed some guidance and that's where Sharan came in.
To be honest, I was expecting someone to tell me what to eat and when it eat it. Yet it was quite the opposite and it me taught me how important it was to log in your food so that you're able to see the numbers of what you're in-taking and it was an eye-opener. Sharan guided me with the right amount of macros for my body etc and cut it down to where I needed to be to reach my goal. I just wanted to feel better and go a size down physically.
I didn't have a number weight goal but I did lose about 12lbs. Our weekly check-ins are probably my favourite this to do as it held me liable for what I've been eating that week. Some weeks were good and some weeks were not but I came out of it with Sharan's motivational words and advice. Thank you again Sharan for helping me reach my goal!"
-Fharhaney Fulu
"I have been a competitive weightlifter on and off since 1999 and my nutrition has always been an issue.
I had been eating “clean” for the last 5 or 6 years, had lost a bunch of weight, lifting at a national level but always felt deep down something wasn’t right or something was missing. I had unknowingly been under eating for awhile but I was making weight and winning medals so I ignored how I was feeling.
After suffering an injury, I tried to come back with the same type of eating habits and training load and my body was not responding. I was tired, weak and miserable and thinking about retiring from weightlifting. I contacted Sharan 6 weeks out of a competition not really knowing what to expect but hoped anything would help.
She immediately started increasing my calories and there was instantly a change. I was slowly losing weight but was getting stronger every week. 6 weeks later I had lost over 2kgs, added 10-15kgs in my lifts and had one of my best competitions ever hitting pr or near pr numbers.
This past 6 weeks I have really learnt the importance of fuelling my body properly and my desired weight class probably isn’t healthiest decision. Sharan is amazing and I’m very excited to see the results of working with her long term."
-Joel Hugh
"At the beginning of this year, I decided that one of my goals was going to become my fittest and strongest self yet. With a history as an endurance athlete and cardio queen, I was ready to make some changes because I felt like I was stuck in a rut and wasn't progressing in the ways I wanted to. I was prepared to switch up my training entirely, and with a strong background in nutrition, I also knew that tweaking my nutrition would help me get the results I was looking for.
I started working with Sharan at the beginning of this year and have been amazed by the progress I've made through her programming and coaching. She's super supportive, has a wealth of experience, and has taken into account my individual needs at all times. Just as importantly, she walks her talk. She's an inspiration to me and working with her has made me want to attack every day with my best efforts.
Having dropped a significant amount of weight and developed more strength than I thought possible since January, I'm now moving into phase 3 of my plan with Sharan. My goals are now focused on gaining lean muscle and getting even stronger, and given the results she's helped me accomplish, I feel very set up for success."
"Upon joining Semiahmoo Athletic Club, I started with Sharan's nutrition planning. She spent quite a bit of time with me learning about what I was eating and discussed my goals. In just a few sessions she taught me about what my body really needed for fuel and how many calories I should be eating on work out and non work out days. She created a simple and easy plan that was suited to the foods I enjoyed and taught me how to properly balance carbs, proteins and fats in order to lose weight and build lean muscle. As there was lots of variety and ideas of snacks, and meals I never got bored and rarely was hungry. The plan was flexible and suited to my tastes and I stuck to it! This was an essential part of my success over the last months. After just a few weeks, I started to create my own meal plans and recipes and I have completely changed for good my eating habits. Oh, and I drink more water! I have lost just over 20 lbs since starting. I feel fantastic I sleep better, have more energy and I have more clarity. This is the bonus: The internal and pride and joy in my accomplishments that has given me strength to face some tough challenges in my life.
-Laura Howell
"I had a baby in March of 2020. I have been very active for several years, and was able to continue to do so during my pregnancy. I have also been invested in utilizing nutrition to support my health and fitness goals. After birth, with all of the changes that my body had gone through, I wanted to consult Sharan to get back to the body composition that I had worked so diligently to achieve pre-pregnancy. This was my second time working with Sharan in the past couple of years. The first time, I worked with her one-on-one to achieve various fitness and body composition goals, and this time around, based on what I learned the first time with intensive support, I felt that I could take the profile that she planned for me and coach myself.
The first time that I contacted her was around one month postpartum, and I mentioned that I was interested in a macro profile to safely support fat loss while breast-feeding. I was keen to get started, as I didn't really feel comfortable in my own body with all the changes related to pregnancy. Sharan recommended that I wait until at least 3 months postpartum to focus on this goal, so my hormones would have time to regulate after birth, and that my milk production would have time to be well-established. In the interim, she created a macro profile to maintain my current weight and to ensure adequate nutrition to support breastfeeding. The waiting until my body is ready to cut really had been tough in the past and was tough again this time around. While I was feeling uncomfortable and impatient, I knew that there was a reason she told me to wait, and it would benefit me in the long run (as it had in the past).
By the time that I reached 3 months, I reached out to Sharan again to update her on my recovery, and to see if she thought that I was ready to start working towards a fat loss goal. At this point, she assessed where I was at, and said that she felt like my body was ready to proceed with a cut, so she created a tiered profile for me to follow to help achieve my desired body composition. Over the course of the next 3 months, I closely followed her plan while making adjustments based on her recommendations. (With that said, I did still enjoy a few meals out off of the plan, and it didn't adversely affect my progress.) Throughout the cut, as it was gradual, I still was able to workout 4-5 days/week, maintain my milk production for breastfeeding, and maintain my energy levels. By the end of the 3 month period, I reached my body composition goals, and I'm now following Sharan's plan for reverse dieting to work back towards maintenance. I'm feeling great about how my body moves and looks, and how I accomplished that without affecting my ability to breastfeed.
You go through so many changes throughout pregnancy and postpartum, and there are so many factors out of your control, so it was great for me to be able to use periodized nutritional goals to achieve my goals. I am so happy that I contacted Sharan to help me work through this process, and that I trusted her knowledge and plan as I had in the past. "
-Katie Greene
I reached out to sharan after I went through a stressful year of school, got out of a longterm relationship and started to struggle with my body image for the first time in my life. Growing up I was surrounded by disordered eating habits, I feel as though I was sheltered well as a child and it wasn’t until I hit my 20s where I myself started to develop a not so great relationship with food. I have always ate healthy, worked out and have had a good understanding of what nutrition looks like but I felt like I needed a bit more guidance then just healthy eating.
Being a young woman in this day and age is difficult, almost every single girl I’ve talked to has experienced some sort of disordered eating or has struggled with body image once or twice in their lifetime. For me it was important to get myself into a healthy mindset before it had gotten too far, because I grew up experiencing first hand from my peers how dark that path can be to go down.
I had the common fears that lifting heavy makes you “bulky” and “less is more” when it comes to food, which I now understand has the complete opposite effect. I wanted to feel confident in knowing I was doing what was right for MY body and no one else’s because no one is the same and we all require different quantities.
After reaching out to sharan I knew I had made the best decision when it came to choosing a coach that was right for me. The intake form was extremely detailed which made me feel confident knowing this program was 100% customized to my body and no one else. I was not only provided with customized macros and a plan to achieve my “desired body composition” but the knowledge, time, effort and care that went into each and every weekly check-in gave me so much more strength than any number on the scale ever could.
Sharan provided me with feedback weekly responding to every little detail, it was obvious how much passion and care she has for helping people like myself. Sharan monitored my mental health, struggles, stress, sleep and so much more, these are often things we look over on a daily basis but are so CRUCIAL to our health and well being.
After I finished with sharan she provided me with a detailed exit plan and ways to maintain this healthy lifestyle and mindset we had worked so hard to achieve. I can’t stress enough how much sharan changed my life, my mindset and my well being. The wealth of knowledge she left me with has truly changed my life and for that I am so grateful for my experience working with sharan.